
“No army can withstand the strength of an idea whose time has come”
— Victor Hugo

  • All
  • PHP
  • silverstripe
  • MVP
  • ab-testing
  • Headless
  • React
  • Google Datastudio
  • Vue
  • Wordpress
  • VSCode
  • Shopify
  • serverless
  • Multilingual
  • PDF
  • Sylius
  • e-commerce
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Sylius plugins: How to get to the starting blocks

Get started with building plugins for Sylius. This article will highlight a few steps to get to a good starting point. It will showcase how to set up a development environment where the database runs off a Docker container and a local server runs with the Symfony CLI.
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Sylius - An open-source e-commerce platform

Sylius is an open-source e-commerce solution that is flexible from the start and can grow with your business
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Integrating Stripe in the eCommerce platform Sylius

Add card payment processing to Sylius that is approved for the EU market. We will do this by extending Sylius with a third-party library adding a Stripe plugin, and adding a docker container for Stripe.
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Convert HTML to PDF

Increase CMS content portability by rendering it as PDFs. Rendering content in PDF format is useful for menus, flyers, confirmations and more.
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Increase development speed with Serverless

Is it worth switching to a serverless architecture? A brief essay with my thoughts on the matter.
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Using Laravel mix with Silverstripe

How to compile your assets in a Silverstripe-project.
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Shopify vs Magento 2

There are many e-commerce platforms available for businesses that want to sell products online. Lately I have been checking out two popular, but very different ones in order to give a brief overview from both a shop owner’s and a developer’s perspective as a basis for a discussion of the use cases for these systems.
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How to upgrade to Silverstripe CMS 4

Silverstripe CMS 4 features many attractive improvements to usability, security and performance. It is a recommended upgrade for all Silverstripe CMS websites.

Getting VSCode ready for PHP development

A walkthrough of a few extensions for VSCode that we find useful when developing in PHP.
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PHP debugging in VSCode with Xdebug and MAMP

For anyone using MAMP Pro to host their local environment Xdebug comes handily installed and all it needs is some configuration to work well with VSCode.

Language Domains in Silverstripe CMS

Silverstripe CMS and Fluent can be used to build multilingual websites with locales on different domains.
Vue + Silverstripe

Two ways of using Vue together with Silverstripe

We recently released an e-commerce website we have been working on for a few months. During development we faced some interesting challenges in the front end so in this post I will share our experience of using VueJS together with Silverstripe.

SilverStripe vs Wordpress

A developer comparison between two popular CMS and when to choose one or the other.

How to define a MVP

We would like to share a great post on how best to setup a Minimum Viable Product
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Editing a PDF with PHP

FPDI is a collection of PHP classes faciliating developers to read pages from an existing PDF document and use them as templates in FPDF. In this example, we will use FPDI to import the existing PDF-template and then FPDF to populate the PDF with values.
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CMS Comparison - Laravel Nova & SilverStripe

A comparison of two excellent open-source Content Management Systems
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Silverstripe as a CMS/CRM

Case study of the flexibility of SilverStripe.

Making Silverstripe Data Reports in Google Data Studio

I recently started on a task where our customer wanted to transfer data and statistics from their Silverstripe platform to Google Data Studio.


Translate static texts from within the SilverStripe admin

First experience with React & Redux creating a SPA

After reading up on the basics about React I wanted to create a application to learn more and start creating something myself using React. The application I was going to create where going to be a mobile first view of tasks and time tracking from Springloops API. I would use React to fetch from the API and create a summary of tasks and time in a simplistic view.
ab testing

Enhancing conversions with AB-testing

A/B testing is a great way of trying different ways of presenting information on your website to see what works best for your audience and to enhance conversions.
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How to add a custom step to SilverStripe’s new page screen

The other day I was asked to customise the behaviour of the “Add new” page, used by editors when they add new pages to the site tree. In this blog post we’ll go through how that can be achieved.
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Customize admin interface with grids in Sylius

Configure lists in the admin interface. We explore how to add images to the table for product variants in Sylius. We see the use of grids, templates, and a custom method.

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